Wednesday, June 11, 2014


The end of January had arrived, and with it, the end of my swim classes.  I was anxious to start “training” for my future triathlon.  Even though I hadn’t signed up for one yet. 

My first training day at the pool offered me the chance to meet one of the swim instructors, the ‘Swim Nazi’. She was sitting on a chair next to the pool watching a woman do countless laps back and forth. I began swimming with my pathetic technique, trying to remember all that I had learned in swim class.  My legs sank terribly, and I couldn’t make it halfway down the lane without gasping for air.  I felt insecure, scared and stupid. So if anyone asked me why I sucked so terribly at swimming, I would tell them the truth.  “I’m new to swimming”.  I hoped that response would send them running in the opposite direction.  But oh no, it didn’t!

I even began questioning myself as to whether or not I was prepared for this long journey in learning how to swim. I quickly discovered that swimming isn’t about endurance, it’s about technique. REALLY, REALLY good technique.
And that was one of the biggest differences between running and swimming.  When you become a runner, you see improvement fairly quickly.  The first time I went out for a run, I couldn’t finish a 1/2 mile distance.  But within one week I was able to complete that 1/2 mile and I was able to add a bit more on to the distance.  It was that quick improvement that helped keep me motivated from the very start.  And here I was, learning a completely new sport all over again.  At age 45 (I was turning 46 in two months).

The Swim Nazi approached me and told me to rotate my hips from side to side. I shook my head up and down as if I completely understood what she was talking about, but I had no clue.  My inner voice whined and protested that swimming requires 500 different moves, all happening at once and I don’t know what move I’m supposed to focus on first.  Oh, and my past fear of putting my face in the water? Yeah, it came back again just not as intense.

The Swim Nazi recommended that I consider purchasing a pair of swim fins. Not scuba fins…swim fins.  She said they would help keep my legs buoyant and I could focus on my upper body movement without worrying about sinking legs.

It was worth a shot, so I purchased swim fins…and I LOVED them.  My technique sucked but at least I was going quickly up and down the lanes, and I became brave about venturing into the deep end (yes, swimming in the deep end was an issue for a while).
I became a bit more confident and started researching upcoming triathlons.  I found The Jersey Girl Triathlon.  It was being held in Long Branch NJ.  300 meter swim, 12 mile bike, 5k run.  I have until August to make it happen!

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